Sadly, despite some success in his initial treatment, Franc passed away as a result of his cancer on June 24th 2022, slightly over one year after his diagnosis.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Lewis Daniels


I am so sorry to hear of Francs passing. We had so many and varied discussions - I will miss him a great deal.


Camilla Ip & Danny Yee
Franc was a kind, generous, inquisitive, and intelligent soul, loved by all those who had the privilege of knowing him. He will be sorely missed.

Mark Quan
You will be greatly missed Franc.

Peter Fletcher
I haven't seen Franc for ages, but I always admired him for his wisdom and deep thinking.

Daniel Austin
You were generous with your time and knowledge and that made work a better place. I'll miss you Franc.


Chi Nguyen
Franc was a wonderful person - very smart, very funny and very kind. I will always remember with a big smile the great time I had working with Franc. He will be sorely missed.


To me Franc was a friendly, clever and kind-hearted guy with a surprising amount of determinism and strength. I hope that everyone can remember the great times that they had together with know that Franc is now at peace.

C Lee
Franc and I used to be good mates, but we drifted apart over the years as friends do sometimes. It's shocking and surreal to have found out he was so sick. I'm sorry we lost touch, and distraught that we never had the chance to reconnect. He was a deep thinker and a good-hearted man (despite his attempts to pretend otherwise sometimes, in the case of the latter). I'll miss him.


Ralph Davis

Dear Franc the trouble with trying to establish your image as a grumpy bugger was that we all saw you as warm, generous of mind and spirit, deep thinking, with a mischievous sense of humour and a contagious laugh. It was a privilege to know you.


Kate May
Miss you Franc. You’re left a big hole in many peoples hearts.

Franc will be missed and it's an absolute privilege to have known him.

Kate Durward
I’ve not met you Travers, but if you are half the man that Franc was it’s my loss.

Kim Ramsay
Fare well on the next stage of your journey Franc and Godspeed.

Chris Mendes
Franc will be missed - he's left a legacy in so many places and he will be fondly remembered by many people. I valued the gift he was to me very much and miss him so much.


Though I'd fallen out of contact with Franc over the past few years, his enthusiasm and aptitude left an indelible impression upon me.