Thank you to my Sponsors
Muscat & Marchall
Stephanie Bini And Julie Marinelli
I Love you Nonno and I will miss you dearly xoxox
Julie And Greg Young
Rest in peace Romeo.
Giulia Mammoliti
Condoglianze a tutti voi, con tanto affetto. Giulia e figli
Walter Bini
R.I.P Dad forever in my heart.
Dani Linnan
Love you Dad❤
Rob, Ann, Ollie And Lily Amato
Our sincerest condolences to Zia Angela, Dani, Walter and Sandro as well as grandkids and great-grandkids. Rest in Peace Zio.
Vince Amato
Rest in Peace Zio. Forever in our hearts 🙏❤️
Cathy And Luke Lista
Carissimo zio Romeo. Sarah sempre Nell nostri cuore. R.I.P
Rest in peace Romeo