My Activity Tracking
My target 50 kms
Raising funds for a silent killer….
In January I was told I had stage one cancer of the bowel after a routine colonoscopy.As I had no symptoms at all that I had this killer disease growing inside of me this came as a shock.
Lucky for me they were able to remove it all during surgery, I was a lucky one, unlike Mick Sobey who lost his live 3 years ago to the same killer also no symptoms but found out to late and had stage 4.
This is my plea to you to please go get checked and donate to this wonderful foundation to help raise the funds need to fight cancer.
My Updates

We are currently on the top of the teams leaderboard.
Saturday 15th Mar
It true shows the strength of community and what can be achieved when people come together for a great cause.

Woohoo we have hit $1k
Tuesday 4th Mar Thank you to all our sponsors, you are amazing. Only $2k to go till we make our target.Who’s with me.

Are you aged 45-74 get screened
Sunday 2nd Mar

Only 5days to go till we officially start walking
Monday 24th Feb
I am so proud of what we have already accomplished in a short time, can’t wait to see what we will achieve in the month of March.
Please support us…. Join our team and walk or donate $$$$$$