Knight Force

March for Mick

Let kick cancer and walk 50km this March

Micks Story 

Our beautiful husband and father Michael Sobey, was cut down in the prime of his life in 2022 by a rare manifestation of bowel cancer.

In 2019, at the age of 48, after suffering lower back pain on and off for a few months (we just thought he’d put his back out while paying cricket), Michael was diagnosed with metastatic bowel cancer. This totally rocked our lives.  What makes Michael’s story even more tragic was that a primary bowel cancer was never found, and the secondary cancer was found in his right hip (only 1% of bowel cancers spread straight to the bone).

The only choice we had was to start radiation and chemotherapy to try and prolong his life.  This treatment was absolutely brutal – 6-hour infusions, followed by a pump at home for 48 hours, every 2 weeks.  In the 2 years and 4 months following his diagnosis, Michael endured 40 rounds of this treatment as well as 25 rounds of radiation.  There has to be a better way!

Our 'March for Mick' aims to raise funds to support the groundbreaking research at Garvan Institute of Medical Research to develop more effective treatment options for bowel cancer patients. Our hope is that, someday, a cure will be found. Until then, we strive for treatments that not only extend life but also improve the quality of life for patients.

If you can, please sign up and be a part of our ‘March for Mick, in memory of a wonderful man and help us to make a difference to the lives of others. 

Bec’s Story 
In January Bec was told she had stage one cancer of the bowel after a  routine colonoscopy. 
As she had no symptoms that she had this killer disease growing inside of her this came as a shock to everyone. 
Lucky for Bec they were able to remove it all during surgery, Bec was a lucky one, unlike Mick Sobey who lost his life 3 years ago to the same killer, also no symptoms but found out to late with  stage 4. 

Sarah’s Story 
My story started over 4 years ago, when I started having what I believed to be gastro symptoms. I was diagnosed with gastroenteritis, given antibiotics and told I would be fine. When my symptoms didn’t ease and one where I was incredibly fatigued, I sort advice from another doctor. She sent me for tests and due to the results said it was possible a parasite but to do a colonoscopy just incase. My gastroenterologist didn’t think it was anything serious due to my age and risk factors and no family history. He agreed to do the colonoscopy. Despite me being incredibly sick through my first bowel prep and throwing up the solution it was there they discovered a 4cm mass in my bowel. Then a whirlwind ct scan straight after the colonoscopy to then a specialist surgeon an appointment 2 days later. My specialist confirmed the amazing news it wasn’t anywhere else and that I’d need a bowel resection where 30% of my large and small intestines would be removed. Luckily my mass results came back high grade dysplasia with no spread to nearby lymph nodes. I had colonoscopy 6 months post op and then was diagnosed with serrated polyposis syndrome. Basically I grow polyps faster than most, higher risk of bowel cancer and would need annual colonoscopies for the time being. I’ve now prepped for a colonoscopy 6 times and will have my 7th later this year. Do I enjoy it, no? However it’s worth it for the future I might not have had if my doctor didn’t suggest a colonoscopy. So check your bowels and go to a doctor if something isn’t right.

By sharing our stories and raising awareness we hope to save another life. 

This is our plea to you to please go get checked and donate to this wonderful foundation to help raise the funds need to fight cancer

Thank you to our Sponsors


Sammie B

I think you and Sarah r stars, I admire ur strength and courage.


Judy & Ernie Tye

Great effort Team Knightforce.


Tayla Brennan

Go team!


Addie Bonett


Bretherton Family


Katie Ames

Go Team! Thanks for raising awareness for such an important cause 💕


Jackie Stewart

You go girl, so proud of you 😘


Victoria Patty

Proud of you for your courage and raising awareness always. You will absolutely smash your kms!! Xx


Nicole Greenfield


Rebecca Knight


Brett Mason

Great cause mate! Sorry to hear Bec has had to endure this! Take care guys and love to Bec


Emily Bartsch


Jordan Christensen


Lou Taylor

Wishing everyone has a positive journey.


Nathan Schumacher

You got this sis! Proud of you for being brave and courageous for sharing your story.


Sarah Benfield


Amy Mcateer

You've got this ladies!! Stronger together x


Kristen Smith


Sarah E

I love your passion and dedication to this. You definitely encourage me to listen to my body and get checked xx Happy Walking


Deb Carruth


Marushka Taylor

Good luck Go Bec great cause!


Amy Karlecik

Go team! You’ve got this!


Emma Peele

Go team xxx


Tracey T


Savina Vankova

Bec, never forget how strong you are! May your beautiful initiative contribute with preventing, helping and saving lives! Good luck to the team as well! Lots of love, Savina




Ricki Rousell

